rose seedlings

Not all the seeds of La Belle Sultane have germinated yet, but the little rose babies are growing rapidly and are doing fine under the growlight. Also I was very happy to see that two seeds of the moss rose Général Kleber have germinated last week; hopefully some more will follow soon.

seedling of La Belle Sultane

seedling of La Belle Sultane

seedling of La Belle Sultane

seedling of La Belle Sultane


seedling of Général Kleber

2 gedachten over “rose seedlings

    1. Monique Bericht auteur

      Moss roses are my favorites! I’m trying to find out as much as possible about them and also finding some of the not so well known mosses and planting them in my garden. For a book I’m writing about moss roses I will visit the rosarium of Fineschi in Cavriglia (Italy) in a fews weeks and in June I will visit again the rosarium in Sangerhausen (Germany); they have some 135 different moss roses.

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