Early flowers

Blairii no 2 (May 2014)

Blairii no 2 (May 2014)

I don’t think that we ever had so many of the old roses flowering by the end of April, but due to the mild winter lots of roses are starting to bloom. Only the real old ones, like the Gallicas, Albas and Mosses are waiting a bit longer.

Christata (Chapeau de Napoleon)

Christata (Chapeau de Napoleon)

Last year I had to wait until mid June to see  the first flowers in the old roses. This year it will be exciting if there will be flowers left when I visit the rosarium in Sangerhausen in June. Next week I’m going to Italy to see the rosarium of Fineschi in Cavriglia and I’m hoping to see the old roses there on their very best. I’m looking forward to be seeing the Moss roses that are growing there, as of course all the other roses.

Reine des Violettes

Reine des Violettes



Winchester Cathedral

Winchester Cathedral

Enfant de France

Enfant de France

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